Hi good day ppl !
I feel like a politician :D.
Promising you to keep checking for the upcoming post on 'Dreams' & not adding it even though I just have to copy-paste it.
This one questions 'Have we forgotten our Dreams?' or 'Have we stopped dreaming?'.
The method I explained in last post on Mind Power is here all given in detail.
So do read on, this too is taken from the Simple Truths daily newsletter I get:
Dear Nilima,
Have your dreams gotten lost in the responsibilities of daily life? Are you achieving your life's goals? Many of us lose sight of what we had once wanted to accomplish, tucking those aspirations away while we're making sure the mortgage is met and food is on the table. But, it might only take an encouraging word or deed to get us back on track...giving us the fuel for firing up our passions once again.
That's why David McNally and I wrote our book, Even Eagles Need a Push: The Power of Encouragement. Kindness and encouragement can change someone's life forever. It can be the greatest gift you'll ever give....or receive. Today, I'd like to share one story from the book about how a supportive wife helped her rather famous husband back to dreaming big after being unemployed.
An Excerpt from:
After a change in head coaches at the University of South Carolina earlier in his career, Lou Holtz, then a defensive coach, found himself unemployed.
"I was unemployed for over a month, a long time for someone like me who had worked since he was nine. I felt very defeated. Our savings account was down to four figures: around $10.95. With a growing family to support, I was feeling pressure. It would have been an unbearable period, if not for my wife. She could not have been any more supportive or encouraging. Beth never complained. She went to work as an x-ray technician to help keep us in groceries. She also brought me the motivational book, The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz, hoping it would help me feel less depressed.
In his chapter on goals, Schwartz writes that anyone who is bored by life has probably forgotten his or her dreams. He invites readers to get back in touch with them. As a first step, we are asked to list all the things we have ever wanted to accomplish: I had a lot of time on my hands, so I took out a pencil and paper and divided my list into five categories:
1. As a husband/father
2. Spiritually
3. Professionally
4. Financially
5. Simply for excitement
It was the in fifth category that I let my imagination run wild. Here are some of the things I included:
1. Jump out of an airplane
2. Land a jet fighter on an aircraft carrier
3. Travel the ocean in a submarine
4. Go white-water rafting on the Snake River at Hells Canyon
5. Be on the Tonight Show, starring Johnny Carson
6. Attend a White House dinner with the President
7. Meet the Pope
8. Go on an African safari
9. Become a scratch golfer and play the top 50 golf courses in the world
10. Run with the bulls in Pamplona (provided I was matched with a much slower person)
And on it went. I had 107 goals on my original list. Suddenly, I was looking at my life differently and was excited about the future. When I told Beth that I was determined we do all of them, she said, "Gee, that's great, honey, but why don't you add "I want to find a job.?" Good note-the list expanded to 108. So far, we've managed to achieve 102 of those dreams-including dining at the White House and meeting the Pope. We're still working on the others. From the moment I made that list, we became participants, rather than spectators, in our life. You do the same and you'll find you don't want to spend so much time sleeping; you'll be afraid you might miss something! There are 26 other amazing stories in our Even Eagles Need a Push book. So, come explore the power of encouragement and see how it can change someone's life forever...maybe even your own. (*Excerpted from You Gotta Read This Book, by Jack Canfield and Gary Hendricks)
:) Beautiful isnt it. Come on everyone, get out your notepads & start penning down all the things u wanna do before you make the last bow. Remember you never know when it will be our last day here on planet earth. ;)
Try it out, plz.!
Even 10 goals also will do. I got my kid cousins to write down 5goals & they loved the exercise, will follow up & instruct them too. Dont worry I cant pester you people.
Till then. Bye. Take care!!!
I feel like a politician :D.
Promising you to keep checking for the upcoming post on 'Dreams' & not adding it even though I just have to copy-paste it.
This one questions 'Have we forgotten our Dreams?' or 'Have we stopped dreaming?'.
The method I explained in last post on Mind Power is here all given in detail.
So do read on, this too is taken from the Simple Truths daily newsletter I get:
Dear Nilima,
Have your dreams gotten lost in the responsibilities of daily life? Are you achieving your life's goals? Many of us lose sight of what we had once wanted to accomplish, tucking those aspirations away while we're making sure the mortgage is met and food is on the table. But, it might only take an encouraging word or deed to get us back on track...giving us the fuel for firing up our passions once again.
That's why David McNally and I wrote our book, Even Eagles Need a Push: The Power of Encouragement. Kindness and encouragement can change someone's life forever. It can be the greatest gift you'll ever give....or receive. Today, I'd like to share one story from the book about how a supportive wife helped her rather famous husband back to dreaming big after being unemployed.
An Excerpt from:
Even Eagles Need a Push by David McNally and Mac Anderson
Forgotten Your Dreams?
After a change in head coaches at the University of South Carolina earlier in his career, Lou Holtz, then a defensive coach, found himself unemployed.
"I was unemployed for over a month, a long time for someone like me who had worked since he was nine. I felt very defeated. Our savings account was down to four figures: around $10.95. With a growing family to support, I was feeling pressure. It would have been an unbearable period, if not for my wife. She could not have been any more supportive or encouraging. Beth never complained. She went to work as an x-ray technician to help keep us in groceries. She also brought me the motivational book, The Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz, hoping it would help me feel less depressed.
In his chapter on goals, Schwartz writes that anyone who is bored by life has probably forgotten his or her dreams. He invites readers to get back in touch with them. As a first step, we are asked to list all the things we have ever wanted to accomplish: I had a lot of time on my hands, so I took out a pencil and paper and divided my list into five categories:
1. As a husband/father
2. Spiritually
3. Professionally
4. Financially
5. Simply for excitement
It was the in fifth category that I let my imagination run wild. Here are some of the things I included:
1. Jump out of an airplane
2. Land a jet fighter on an aircraft carrier
3. Travel the ocean in a submarine
4. Go white-water rafting on the Snake River at Hells Canyon
5. Be on the Tonight Show, starring Johnny Carson
6. Attend a White House dinner with the President
7. Meet the Pope
8. Go on an African safari
9. Become a scratch golfer and play the top 50 golf courses in the world
10. Run with the bulls in Pamplona (provided I was matched with a much slower person)
And on it went. I had 107 goals on my original list. Suddenly, I was looking at my life differently and was excited about the future. When I told Beth that I was determined we do all of them, she said, "Gee, that's great, honey, but why don't you add "I want to find a job.?" Good note-the list expanded to 108. So far, we've managed to achieve 102 of those dreams-including dining at the White House and meeting the Pope. We're still working on the others. From the moment I made that list, we became participants, rather than spectators, in our life. You do the same and you'll find you don't want to spend so much time sleeping; you'll be afraid you might miss something! There are 26 other amazing stories in our Even Eagles Need a Push book. So, come explore the power of encouragement and see how it can change someone's life forever...maybe even your own. (*Excerpted from You Gotta Read This Book, by Jack Canfield and Gary Hendricks)
:) Beautiful isnt it. Come on everyone, get out your notepads & start penning down all the things u wanna do before you make the last bow. Remember you never know when it will be our last day here on planet earth. ;)
Try it out, plz.!
Even 10 goals also will do. I got my kid cousins to write down 5goals & they loved the exercise, will follow up & instruct them too. Dont worry I cant pester you people.
Till then. Bye. Take care!!!
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P.S. Dont be Evil, lets play fair :)