Book Review: The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee (Vol.3) by Abhishek Taalwar and Illustrated by Sonal Goyal
Good day!
We are excited ! As promised here is the Book Review
of Vol.3 of The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee. Biplob is our #ecowarriorsuperhero. In this Vol. 3 too he is helping Farmer
Balram, his garden, farms and all his friends with some cool, eco-friendly
Special Addition:
There is a new character which is introduced in this Volume.
watch the video to get a summary of what is inside this book.
Read my Reviews of Vol.1 & 2
This volume of The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee too has 3 stories.
Each story introduces a problem. The readers are encouraged to find a
solution. Biplob is there to help you with eco-friendly and simple
solutions. Chapter 1: Rude Saviour, has some pesky crows who are eating the
corn in the fields before harvesting. Chapter 2: Cat on the Prowl brings an
unannounced scary guest to Farmer Balram's garden. Chapter 3: Hunting the
Hunter, we try to find who is the Hunter.
Grab The Book Now !
What I liked:
The problems in each story are difficult to solve. As the problems is the
solution for the other party. Thin line between right and wrong. I
liked how justice is done in each story.
Do read the book to find out what these problems are.
The language is perfect for children. The concepts though thought-provoking
have been handled well from children's perspective. Thank you Author
Abhishek for explaining each part of the story in simple terms.
Special mention again for the cheerful and detailed illustrations by Sonal
Goyal. My son pointed out the little details like Sherlock Holmes Biplob on
the cover and his Bee News newspaper. I loved the portrayal about the
flower's imagination of the Rude guest.
It is a delight to read The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee always. To my
own kids or to my Book Reading session participants. Each time we cant stop
at just one story.
What I wanted more:
Closure about what happened to the culprits in the end in each story.
Eagerly waiting for more books ;)
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P.S. Dont be Evil, lets play fair :)