Janani !

Hi good day!

Reading the Da Vinci code now-a-days. Ya, I know I am more than a decade late in reading it. But its worth the wait.

This book, the incidents around me, talks with friends,family, mails,... all come down to 1point: Woman are the source of Life.

Tried google to get the exact meaning of the word 'Janani':
It stems from the Sanskrit word which means, "Mother/ Tenderness." It also stems from the Sanskrit/Hindi word which means, "One who gives birth." It also stems from the Sanskrit word which means, "Eternal knowledge."

I got this mail from SimpleTruths for a Video for the Book: Oh Thank goodness, It's not just me!

It says:

Dear Nilima,

This is a beautiful movie for women!

It's a 3 minute celebration of the circle of strength women share - and it speaks to the undeniable fact that there is comfort knowing you're not alone.

The subtitle of this book and movie says it all: "Woman to woman...Heart to heart." Enjoy and don't forget to forward to your friends. They'll thank you for it!

Click here to watch.

I am surrounded by beautiful women who have the gift of putting feelings, thoughts in beautiful words. Thank god for these beautiful minds.

Loved the following quotes from this movie clip:

We agree to give credit, where it is due- Ourselves.

Self-imposed Perfectionism- rings a true bell in every woman's ear. Loved this phrase.

It also gives my favourite quote:
We commit to loving ourselves first, because we cant give what we don't have.

Related posts:
Cup of tea
Book: Three cups of tea
Phenomenal Woman
A Woman should!

Bye. tc. :)


How did I miss this blog? Lovely piece. :)