Book Review: Who moved my Cheese, Spencer Johnson

Greetings People,

 I have read Spencer Johnson's The Present multiple times and gifted to many people. So Who moved my cheese & One minute Manager were an instant buy for me.
But I never got around to reading it.
They say-You don't choose the book, The Book chooses you.
So finally I got around to reading it. Read it in 1 shot, in first read.
Then I re-read it, slowly. Sometimes taking a gap of 1 week in between.

The slogan on the cover says: An amazing way to deal with Change in your Work & in your life.
This book is about Change, dealing with change, being ready for change,... This is story has many facets. Its like you pick the part you like or applies to you. Every time you read the book, you will discover or like something different. Guess, its what Spencer Johnson's writing is all about. This book promises to be a Gem-Small & Invaluable. It truly is. So if you are in the middle of a crisis, sailing smoothly in life, resisting a change, frustrated with a stagnated job/relationship/.... I would advice you to go through this book.

It has 4 characters: 2 Small human like: Hem  & Haw and 2 Mice: Sniff & Scurry. These 4 characters are in a maze where they have to find Cheese to survive. The maze is long and confusing with many threats around corners. Cheese is difficult to get and holds a different meaning to each of these characters. So the story is how each of them deals with life when suddenly the new lot of cheese they have discovered disappears.

What I liked:
Its a small book, but holds a life-changing lesson(s). The pictorial quotes, get imprinted in your brain. So every time you are stuck, they will remind you & make you laugh,smile at yourself.

What I want more:
From the book, its complete in itself. I would want myself to better able to incorporate the lessons taught in this. For me at this stage in life, its about keeping a constant vigil for checking when the Cheese is getting bad, stale. Being ready for finding new cheese, honing my skills to find better Cheese, being in the Present.

Checkout some quotes I liked from the book: Click on the images to enlarge.
My favourite. Its even there in Lean In 

Haw would write on the walls of the Maze what he learnt each time, it was called the Handwriting on the Wall. Here is the summary of the Handwriting on the Wall:

So Please read this book, if you are not in a need to Change.

Go Change ! :D
Read all the Book Reviews  here:
Book Review


You are right about the book choosing you. I got a copy of Who Moved My Cheese for my birthday when I was leaving my job at my kids' school. At that moment, the change was a traumatic experience and the book helped. Thanks for the reminder. Will read it again. Loved the book :D
Neha Shayari said…
A good book to know that change is inevitable (if your arent aware). You must adapt yourself with the change else you may lag behind.
It is worth an hour of your time.
Outline -
Change Happens
They Keep Moving The Cheese

Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move

Monitor Change
Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old

Adapt To Change Quickly
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese

Move With The Cheese

Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!

They Keep Moving The Cheese.
Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again