Book Review: Done with Men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

Good day ppl !
Read another Book, Kindle Edition-Done with Men, Shuchi Singh Kalra. The name was intriguing also this book was available for free for that day on Amazon. So downloaded on my Kindle, read it on my phone in 3-4days.

Kay aka Kairavi Krishna is a travel journalist (wow, what a job). Also a love fool, like her flat mate Bani keeps pointing it. Kay loves the idea of being in Love which makes her have a series of bad boyfriends and heartbreaks (along with money losses). I could relate to Bani being the elder sister types. Kay in real life would have got a tapli from me each time she started to mess up her own life again and again. So Kay is fresh from a bad heartbreak, sworn off men for life, remedy for which Baani suggests is to go to Goa & chill. Also her travel assignment is to cover the Sunburn festival happening there. Kay in a drunken daze has a series of accidents including getting a tattoo on wrist saying-Done with men, going the non straight way and least of all falling from a balcony and breaking her arm. Not a rosy picture so far. I was beginning to go angry and shove the book away at this point. Then In comes, Dr.Vivian the hot doctor who is trying to disguise his attraction for Kay. Also you can trust Kay for going from a crush to full fledged love bond between them.
So does Dr.Vivian portray the Real-Love picture and mean it? With a lot of twists and turns in this part of the book, I finished the book and was smiling and smacking my forehead for Kay !

What I liked:
Characters. Scenes. Research of the Goa culture (envy & have to go there soon). Good story.

What I want more:
The story could do with more of tightening. Some points you feel like hurrying it up a bit :D

The Book is available on Amazon Kindle edition, but its no longer free. Please do read it and let us know your likes, dislikes about this one.

Till then have a great week people ahead. I know reading about Goa, summer coming up... its difficult to concentrate on work.. All the best ;)
