Video: Give back

Good day ppl !
  I have been listening to a lot of the Motivational songs I mentioned on this blog in the past. Sure, has got me motivated all day :D

I am following a website Upworthy, which put up a video about: Give back.
There is this website: Give Back Films, which does acts of kindness & paying it forward.

Image from:

Watch the video here in which they pay for the people behind them at a Drive-through:

:) Puts a smile on your face !
Check more of the videos by Give Back,  Life Vest inside, SimpleTruths.

Here are more posts on the same subject
 World-Suspended Coffee
 World-Needs a hug

and so are these posts:
Video: Life Vest inside and A few minutes of Perfection
Video:Change the world, one moment at a time
Start with yourself
Movie: Work+Extra=Service
Video: Someone who cares

Spread kindness. Pay it forward !
Bye. Tc. Have a fantastic weekend !
